New Year Preparation: challenge is key 🔑

What are your biggest challenges?

What will your new year’s resolution be? How will you measure it? How will we keep ourselves accountable? Below let’s ponder the goal setting process. We must decide how to challenge this year: the annual fight 🥊 for our lives.

Do you remember last year’s new year’s resolution? Was it written down? Told to nobody as secrets are safer and more reliable? 🔐

Psychology studies indicate that telling others your goals is sometimes good, sometimes bad, while measuring your goals is sometimes bad, sometimes good. Can’t win always, or can’t hardly win? 🥇

Last year I went with the more internal goals. If you tell others what your goals are, you feel some of the dopamine rush from achieving that goal 😮. With that feel good energy already achieved you’re measurably less motivated to keep on trying. In response to that, ‘keeping it secret’ maximizes your motivation. Yet, did I hit my goals? Do I even clearly recall the details? Not so much… 😅.

This year, I’ll go with SMART goals. Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Realistic, Timely. 🕰️ I will make a personal goal to ***** by Dec 31, and measure it at least weekly. Maybe this will be at hybrid privacy approach… 😎. By being more public you can find group accountability which increases likelihood of hitting your targets.

I’ll go with personal pinned notes and sharing with those close to me. 🗒️

Additionally, I’ll set up a relationships goal and a professional goal. I’ll have a personal goal, a ‘people close to me’ goal, and a work goal. For relationship goals, I’ll aim for something more activity based, so the achievement and accomplishment is via the performance, the journey attempted, not the destination. For the work goal, the Objective will be a true target 🎯, with Key Results of activity based measurable details on how to get there.

What are you aiming for in 2024? Excited? Struggling? Let’s get there together 💪🏻.

A non literal representation of a new year resolution.

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